Carnival in Olinda
The Carnival in Olinda , along with the Carnival in Salvador and the Carnival in Recife, is one of the largest and most famous carnival events in Brazil. The most striking feature are the Bonecos de Olinda, often over two meters tall dolls made of paper mache , which are carried through the streets and announce the procession of carnival fans. Up to a million visitors and over 500 carnival groups take part in the street carnival.
Olinda in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco is only about five kilometers from Recife , and the districts of both places merge. Olinda part because of its historic buildings for UNESCO - World Heritage Site . The Carnival in Olinda is closely related to the Carnival in Recife, but it has its own independence. The carnival parades mainly take place in the old town.
Carnival clubs
The Carnival Associations and Clubes de Frevo from Olinda have their administrative headquarters in the neighboring city of Recife. The largest clubs are Troça Pitombeira dos Quatro Cantos, Clube Elefante de Olinda, Clube Lenhadores, Clube Vassourinhas and the Clube Marim dos Caetés. Olinda is known for its sacrilege dances, which are heavily celebrated there. Samba schools have less tradition in Recife. The largest are Samba do Zé, A Oriente, Preto Velho and Marrom e Branco.
"" O frevo not convida. Arrasta. Sua efervescência rítmica é qualquer coisa de imãtético, contra a qual é difícil resistir ! ». - The Frevo does not invite. He carries you away. Its boiling rhythm is immaterial, something that is hard to resist. "
The Frevo has been the typical dance in Recife and Olinda during Carnival for over 100 years. Even today it comes from the tradition from the early years of the 20th century. In 1901 the first carnival association was founded in Olinda: Misto As Pás, followed by Troça Carnavalesca As Cigarreiras, Clube Carnavalesco Misto Lenhadores, Clube Carnavalesco Misto Vassourinhas and others. Just like in Recife, the carnival has a very democratic and popular character. The Frevo trains follow a certain pattern in one direction and then back again in the opposite direction. The Frevo is a fusion of Afro-Brazilian and European musical elements and is borrowed from military marches, polka, tango, quadrilhas, Scottish dances and maxixes . The Frevo generally includes very colorful costumes and the characteristic brightly colored small umbrellas. Apart from frevo be maracatu , samba , Manguebeat and other styles of music played.
Carnival 2011 program (selection)
February 26, 2011 Saturday before the carnival
Time | Artist / carnival group | place | District |
12:30 p.m. | O Cachorro que Lambeu o Seu | Terminal Jardim Atlântico | Jardim Atlântico |
3pm | TCM A Vaidosa | Travessa da Saudade | Guadalupe |
19 o'clock | Bloco Grande Guerreiro | Rua Prudente de Morais | Carmo |
8 p.m. | Bloco Rolenti | R. de Sao Bento | Varadouro |
February 27, 2011 Sunday before the carnival
Time | Artist / carnival group | place | District |
9 clock | Bloco As Virgens do Bairro Novo | Praça 12 de Março | Bairro Novo |
10 O `clock | Arrastão Cultural da UNACOMO | R. do Cordeiro | Jardim Fragoso |
4 p.m. | Ceroula de Olinda | Praça do Carmo | Carmo |
4 p.m. | Bloco da Diversidade | Rua 13 de Maio | Varadouro |
February 28, 2011 Monday before the Carnival There will be various maracatu groups such as Maracatu Nação Leão Coroado, Maracatudo Nação Camaleão, Maracatu Nação Badia, Maracatu Nação Axé da Lua, Maracatu Nação de Luanda, Maracatu Nação Maracambuco, Maracatu Naçinda de Olstrão , Maracatu Nação Estrela Brilhante de Igarassu and Maracatu Nação Porto Rico. March 1st, 2011 Tuesday before the carnival
Time | Artist / carnival group | place | District |
3pm | TCM USF - COHAB Peixinhos na Folia | Av. Nacional | Peixinhos |
19 o'clock | Bloco Lírico Eu Quero Corn | R. 15 de Novembro | Varadouro |
March 2nd, 2011 Wednesday before the carnival
Time | Artist / carnival group | place | District |
9 clock | CAPS Nise da Silveira | Praça do Carmo | Carmo |
14 o'clock | Duarte Coelho em Folia | R. do Bonfim | Carmo |
2:30 p.m. | Bloco da Paz | Praça do Carmo | Carmo |
3pm | TCM Amigos da Barreira do Rosário | Av. Mario Melo | Bonsucesso |
19 o'clock | O Babao | Clube Atlântico de Olinda | Carmo |
March 3, 2011 Thursday before the carnival
Time | Artist / carnival group | place | District |
6:30 a.m. | Grupo da Bell | Av. Marcos Freire | Bairro Novo |
7:30 a.m | Bloco Educandário Maria Gorete | R. Israel Vieira | Bonsucesso |
8 o'clock | Lavagem Simbólica das Ladeiras de Olinda | Mercado da Ribeira | Varadouro |
9 clock | Folia Sem Idade | Praça Laura Nigro | Varadouro |
3pm | Associção Amo na Folia | R. Ana Rita | Rio Doce |
6 p.m. | TCM Infantil Pirulito em Folia | Largo do Guadalupe | Guadalupe |
19 o'clock | Ou vai ou racha | R. do Guadalupe | Guadalupe |
7:30 p.m. | Garoto da Noite | R. do Guadalupe | Guadalupe |
8 p.m. | O Urso do Teu Vizinho | R. da Flauta | Bultrins |
8 p.m. | Tá Saindo Bem? | Praça do Carmo | Carmo |
8 p.m. | O Caceteiro em Folia | R. Cândido Luiza | Guadalupe |
8 p.m. | Sarados not Entra | Mercado Eufrásio Barbosa | Varadouro |
8 p.m. | TCM Papangu Mirim | R. Tenente Padilha | Caixa D´Água |
21 clock | TCM Acorrentados | Largo do Amparo | Amparo |
March 4th, 2011 Friday before the carnival
Time | Artist | place | District |
7 o'clock | Saber em Folia | R. 29 | Rio Doce |
8 o'clock | Tower of Nicinha in Folia | Av. Marcos Freire | Casa Caiada |
10 O `clock | O Futuro Também se Constrói Bincando | Estrada do Bonsucesso | Bonsucesso |
12 o'clock | Os Dominados de Olinda | Praça do Bonsucesso | Bonsucesso |
14 o'clock | TCM Urso do Pau Amarelo | R. Orlando da Silva | Guadalupe |
14 o'clock | Bloco Inclusivo De Todo Jeito | Mercado Eufrásio Barbosa | Varadouro |
4 p.m. | O Fazendão | Av. Santos Dumont | Varadouro |
17 o'clock | Dengosos em Folia | Largo do Guadalupe | Guadalupe |
6 p.m. | Afoxé Povo dos Ventos | Igreja de Sao Pedro | Carmo |
8 p.m. | O Romântico de Rio Doce | Umuarama | Umuarama |
The intensity of the events increases with the provisional climax on March 5, 2011, the Saturday before the Carnival, or Sábado de Zé Pereira. Also on March 6th, 2011, Carnival Sunday, a large number of sacrificial groups will be shown. March 7, 2011 is Shrove Monday (Segunda-Feira de Carnaval). On Rose Monday, various maracatu trains from all over the state of Pernambuco are performed, including Estrela de Ouro de Aliança, Cambidinha de Araçoaiaba, Leão Coroado de Araçoaiaba, Águia de Ouro de Araçoião, Leão de Ouro de Canaã, Leão Pão Poura de Araçoiçaba, the Cordilheiras de Araçoaiba, Cambinda Dourada de Camaragibe, Leão Dourado de Camragibe, Estrela Brilhante de Carpina, Leão Brilhante de Carpina, Leão da Serra de Carpina, Leão Devorador da Floresta, Cambidinha Dourada de Carpina, Leão Vencedor de Carpina de, Carneiro Mansria de Goitá, Leão Coroadinho de Lagoa de Itaenga, Águia Misteriosa de Nazaré da Mata and many others. Also on March 8, 2011 Carnival Tuesday (Terça-Feira Gorda) there will be other major events. On March 9, 2011 Ash Wednesday (Quarta-Feira de Cinzas) the carnival activities end in the evening.
March 12, 2011 Saturday after the carnival Also on the Saturday after the carnival there will be renewed performances by Bloco Quero Mais, Amantes das Flores de Camaragibe, Anjos das Graças, Arlequim de Camaragibe, Banhistas do Pina, Batutas de São José, Boêmios da Boa Vista , Com Você No Coração, Compositores e Foliões, Cordas e Retalhos, Flor da Lira de Olinda, Flor da Mata do Paudalho, Flor do Eucalipto de Moreno, Infantil Sonho e Fantasia, Lírio da Lira, Mandarim em Folia, Madeira do Rosarinho, Menestréis do Paulista, Associação Artístico Cultural Plenarte, Pierrot de São José, Rebelde Imperial, Saudade, Seresteiros de Salgadinho, Um Bloco em Poesia - Trupe Lírico Musical and a few others.
Notes and individual references
- ↑ pt. Dolls from Olinda
- ↑ pt. Brown and white
- ↑ Archived copy ( memento of the original dated August 8, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ pt. Frevo from Portuguese ferver - to cook
- ↑ Quartet dances
- ↑ Archived copy ( memento of the original from July 20, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ pt. Symbolic washing of the slopes of Olinda
- ↑ pt. Thicker Tuesday
- ↑ Archived copy ( Memento of the original from April 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.