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As Karnhaus or Karen house an attachment is at a church buildings referred to in which the faithful, with a penance were occupied, during the worship had stopped. Church penance was usually a public atonement for serious sins .

In the Protestant Church in particular, church penance was used as a discipline for violating church ordinances and moral codes.

The term Karnhaus comes from the Old High German char ( Middle High German kar ), which denotes penance, cf. Karner in the Alps.


Individual evidence

  1. Kirchbuße . In: Former Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 7 , issue 6 (edited by Günther Dickel , Heino Speer, with the assistance of Renate Ahlheim, Richard Schröder, Christina Kimmel, Hans Blesken). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1979, OCLC 718486457 ( adw.uni-heidelberg.de ).