Tietz Department Store (Elberfeld)

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The north facade
The eastern side to the Neumarkt

The Tietz department store in Wuppertal - Elberfeld (today Galeria Kaufhof ) is a historically important department store building .

The architect of the building was Wilhelm Kreis , one of the leading architects at the time, who also designed the Bismarck Tower in Wuppertal.

On behalf of Leonhard Tietz AG, it was designed as a multi-department store based on the French model, built in 1911/1912 and opened on April 24, 1912 at Neumarkt in Elberfeld (today No. 26). The immense variety of goods under one roof offered the population at the time a completely new shopping experience. Before that, there was a first branch on Herzogstraße from 1885 , which was considered the first department store in Germany.

Under the rule of National Socialism, the Tietz department store as a so-called “un-German department store” was one of the first companies in Wuppertal to fall victim to calls for an anti-Jewish boycott. After a first, not very successful attempt on March 10, 1933, the nationwide boycott of the National Socialists, supported by the “General-Anzeiger” and other newspapers, already had strong effects. The boycotts were the harbingers of the expropriation and " Aryanization " that followed shortly thereafter . In July, Leonhard Tietz AG was renamed "Westdeutsche Kaufhof AG".

The department store, which was partially destroyed in the war, was rebuilt after 1945. The striking, almost sacred-looking sandstone facade on Neumarkt had to give way to a steel structure, while the north facade on today's Neumarktstrasse was retained.

Kaufhof's Galeria concept was implemented in 2000.


  • Max Creutz : The Tietz department store in Elberfeld, by Prof. Wilhelm Kreis . X. Special issue of the architecture of the XX. Century. Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 1912. Online
  • Hermann J. Mahlberg , Hella Nussbaum: Awakening around 1900 and the modern age in the architecture of the Wuppertal. Evening glow of an era. Müller + Busmann, Wuppertal 2008.
  • Michael Okroy : National community, hereditary index and Aryanization. A city guide during the Nazi era in Wuppertal. Wuppertal 2008².
  • The Tietz department store in Wuppertal - a temple of consumption and a place of modernity . Illustr. Brochure, ed. from the sponsoring association of the Old Synagogue Wuppertal eV, Wuppertal 2012

Individual evidence

  1. Wuppertaler Rundschau from October 24, 2009

Web links

Commons : Galeria Kaufhof, former Tietz department store  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Entry in the Wuppertal monument list

Coordinates: 51 ° 15 ′ 30.5 ″  N , 7 ° 8 ′ 41.2 ″  E