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With Celts Bracke or Segusier (after Celtic tribe of Segusianer), the ancestor of the current hypothetical Western Bracken , one type of hunting dogs , respectively. The Celtic Hound themselves are extinct. The Greek Flavius ​​Arrianus , the so-called “Younger Xenophon” described this type of dog, Canis segusius , in his work Kynegetikos (The Dog Handler) as early as the second century AD , and he also mentioned that this dog got its name from the Celtic Segusian tribe who settled on the slopes of the Cottian Alps in today's Rhone and Loire departments , around Lyon (Lugdunum).

Numerous current hound breeds , especially bracken, from England to the German-speaking area and France to Italy, Spain and the Balkans are considered to be descendants of the Celtic hound.

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