Kelvin Crests

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Kelvin Crests
location Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Kelvin Crests (Antarctic Peninsula)
Kelvin Crests
Coordinates 69 ° 10 ′  S , 66 ° 34 ′  W Coordinates: 69 ° 10 ′  S , 66 ° 34 ′  W

The Kelvin Crests are a 8 km long series of sheer hills and icy cliffs on the Fallières coast of Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula . They rise up on the northern flank of the Airy Glacier near its confluence with the Forster-Piedmont Glacier .

Participants in the British Graham Land Expedition (1934–1937) led by the Australian polar explorer John Rymill roughly mapped them between 1936 and 1937. Aerial photographs were taken in November 1947 during the American Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1947–1948). The Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey carried out a survey of the southwestern part in December 1958. The United States Geological Survey mapped them in full in 1974. The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named them in 1962 after the British physicist William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824-1907), who had significantly improved the function of the magnetic compass between 1873 and 1878 and in 1878 had developed a plumb bob .

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