Kesel (family)

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Coat of arms of the patrician Kesel
Country seat of the Kesel with the address Boleite 3

The Kesel were a family belonging to the imperial city patriciate in the imperial city of Kempten . They were represented as citizens in the society to the bouquet . The Keselstraße in Kempten was named in honor of the Kesel.

For 1604/31 a Michel Kesell ( Kheßell ) is a citizen of Kempten. In 1707, Magister Jakob Kesel von Kempten is a preacher in the St. Mang Church in Kempten as well as a historian, as such he wrote, among other things, the text “Kemptisches Denckmahl or Spiritual and Secular History of the ancient Swabian imperial city of Kempten brought to light Jacob Keseln ” . He died in 1742.

In 1725 a Christian Kesel has been handed down as a councilor and trader in Kempten. In 1731 he was the superior of the Kramer Guild and in 1745 mayor . In 1743 he was the owner of the paper mill in Hynwang near Kempten and died in 1746. From 1725 a Leonhard Kesel is documented who was a member of the Kramer guild.

Johann Adam Kesel was born in 1700 . As a trader he was one of the richest people in Kempten and from 1764 mayor of the imperial city of Kempten.

In 1763 a Lukas Kesel took over the paper mill in Hynwang. From 1837 a Ferdinand Kesel is documented, he was a master baker in Naples and died in 1915. From 1862 there are documents for a master plumber named Otto Kesel in Kempten, he died in 1920.

The family also included the engineer and machine manufacturer Georg Kesel, who owned the city's first car in 1902 and died in 1936. He owned the Georg Kesel GmbH .

coat of arms

In black, a yellow griffin with a star staff in its claws. The same growing on the bulging spangenhelm.


  • Friedrich Zollhoefer (Hrsg.): In Eduard Zimmermann, Friedrich Zollhoefer: Kempter coat of arms and symbols including the city and district of Kempten and the adjacent areas of the upper Allgäu. In: Heimatverein Kempten (Ed.): Allgäuer Geschichtsfreund. 1. Delivery, No. 60/61, Kempten 1960/61, p. 50.

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