Chainset (General Topology)

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In general topology , one of the branches of mathematics , the chain theorem deals with the question under which conditions in a topological space the union of connected subspaces is itself connected.

Formulation of the sentence

The sentence can be formulated as follows:

A topological space and a family of connected subspaces are given.
Let the subspace family be concatenated in the following sense:
For every two indices there is always a finite subfamily with:
(a) and
(b) Any two consecutive sets of the finite subfamily may overlap ; For always apply .
The Union
forms a contiguous subspace of .


The above condition (b) can be - with the same assertion! - weaken to the effect that one only demands the following:

(b ') Of every two consecutive subspaces of the finite subfamily , at least one of the two always contains a point of contact of the other; ma W .: for always or .


The chain set pulls - even in its simple version! - the following results immediately after:

(1) If in a topological space a family of connected subspaces has non-empty intersections , the union of these subspaces in turn forms a connected subspace.
(2) If two points of a topological space are contained in a connected subspace of this space, then this space is connected.
(3) In a topological space, the connected component of a point is equal to the union of all those connected subspaces which contain this point, i.e. the largest of all connected subspaces to which this point belongs .

In the tightened version of the chain sentence, the following result is immediately obtained:

(4) In a topological space, a union of connected subspaces, in which at least one of the two always contains a contact point of the other, forms a connected subspace.


References and comments

  1. a b Thorsten Camps et al .: Introduction to set-theoretical and algebraic topology. 2006, p. 87
  2. a b c Lutz Führer: General topology with applications. 1977, p. 86
  3. P. Alexandroff, H. Hopf: Topology. 1974, p. 48
  4. a b Willi Rinow: Textbook of Topology. 1975, pp. 141-142
  5. Horst Schubert: Topology. 1975, p. 38
  6. In fact, the chain proposition in its simple version also follows directly from (1); see. Thorsten Camps et al., Op. Cit., Pp. 86-87.
  7. a b Alexandroff / Hopf, op.cit., P. 49
  8. Thorsten Camps et al., Op.cit., P. 94
  9. Schubert, op.cit., P. 39
  10. ^ KD Joshi: Introduction to General Topology. 1983, p. 145