Keyword advertising
Keyword advertising is an internet form of advertising in the promotional material on the web pages depending on the individual keywords ( keywords ) are displayed. It is therefore used in particular for (search) portals.
Offer form
Unlike the booking of advertising banners, keyword advertising is designed by the providers as a bulk business that is optimized for low processing costs. The advertisement is therefore placed directly by the advertiser via direct access to online administration tools. The booking and billing models of keyword advertising also differ from the usual procedures for advertising banners . The advertisements are usually not billed according to visual contacts (" ad impressions ") (" thousand contact price "), but per link actually followed (" cost per click ").
In keyword advertising, text, image, Flash and video ads are available, although so far only text ads have been possible for insertion on search results pages .
Practical problems
Like any cost-per-click-based billing form, keyword advertising requires special protective measures. On the one hand, damage to the advertiser through intentional abusive clicks in large numbers, for example by competitors, must be prevented. On the other hand, the search engine providers also display the text ads on the websites of third-party providers, who are involved in advertising sales and thus could increase their revenues through targeted clicks. Both should be countered by a software-supported analysis and correction of the accounting data.
For advertisers, keyword advertising means a high level of support due to the ongoing need for optimization. By selecting the search terms, formulating the text display and continuously monitoring the visitor structure achieved, it must be ensured that the rate of misdirected visitors is minimized. At the same time, the placement rank within the advertisements must be continuously checked and adjusted to the current price level.
Regarding keyword advertising, it is legally controversial whether protected brands or the company names of competitors can be used as keywords. No uniform case law has yet established itself here. In order to bring about a legal clarification valid throughout Europe, the Austrian Supreme Court submitted the "Bergspechte" case to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for a preliminary decision (OGH May 20, 2008, file number 17 Ob 3 / 08b). The German Federal Court of Justice also ruled on trademark law in a decision dated Jan. 22, 2009, file number I ZR 125/07 - Bananabay. The Federal Court of Justice denies the use of company identifiers (BGH, judgment of 22 Jan. 2009, I ZR30 / 07 - Beta Layout) and descriptive terms (BGH, judgment of 22 Jan. 2009, I ZR 139/07 - pcb) Infringement of the law if the third-party trademark is not repeated in the advertisement.
See also
- ↑ "Click fraud causes problems for Google", ZDNet from May 10, 2005
- ^ BGH: Legal infringement by third-party brands in HTML meta tags,, November 1, 2006
- ↑ Axel Anderl: Keyword Advertising reloaded on ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (As of April 22, 2009)