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A khaghanat or chaghanat ( Old Turkish Qaqanlyk , Khaghanlyk ; Turkish Kağanlık ) is the name of an empire in the Altai language area that was ruled by a khaghan . Other spellings are Kaganat and Kaghanat .

A khaghanate is larger and more powerful than a khanate and can conditionally be compared to an empire .

The largest and most famous khaghanate is the empire of the Central Asian Kök Turks (Turkish Göktürk Kağanlığı ), which was founded in 552 and ruled over various peoples for almost 200 years. The Khaghanat founded in 568 the Avars , which extended over parts of Eastern and Central Europe, was more than 250 years.

The Mongol Empire was a khaghanate - although it is hardly known (in German) as a 'Mongolian khaghanate'.

List of khaghanates