Child and Youth Advisory Board

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Child and youth councils (KJB / KiJuB) are a form of inclusion and participation of children and young people in local political decisions and processes. The formation of child and youth councils is regulated in several countries through state laws or through the AG KJHG in the Federal Republic. Forms of participation experienced an upswing after the adoption of SGB ​​VIII 1990/91. The establishment of child and youth councils is left to the municipalities themselves in their own sphere of activity . In Schleswig-Holstein , the pioneer, Section 47 f of the municipal code regulates the procedure. The child and youth councils are political bodies and consist of elected representatives of the children and young people of the municipality. As rights are u. a. The right to speak and to propose is granted, d. H. There is an opportunity to represent the position of the children and young people on a decision by the administration or the political leaders. As non-partisan bodies, they are independent and not tied to anyone, although cooperation with the city administration is quite conceivable.

The tasks of the children's and youth councils include a. the determination of the mood of the children and adolescents in the community, as well as the evaluation and possible optimization resulting from it. Furthermore, events for children and young people can be carried out, playgrounds can be changed and / or participation projects with children and young people can be carried out. However, this must be done in coordination with the youth welfare committees , which are part of the youth welfare offices.