Kineas of Thessaly

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Kineas ( Greek  Κινέας ) was a Thessalian general in ancient Greece in the late 6th century BC. He came from an unknown place called Konion or Konde.

Probably in the year 512/11 BC In BC Kineas had come to the aid of the tyrant of Athens , Hippias , in the fight against the Spartans with a thessalian cavalry army of 1,000 men . He won a victory over the landing army of the Spartans under Anchimolios at Phaleron , but Hippias was defeated by Cleomenes I a little later .

Kineas was referred to by Herodotus as "king" ( basileus ) , but more likely he was in office as tagos , the general office of the Thessalian League .




  1. The name is reproduced as "Eineas" in the revised edition of Dr. Lars Hofmann (Wiesbaden, 2007). Chr. Bährs Herodot - Nine Books on History (Berlin-Schöneberg, 1898), p. 436.