Kiosk mode

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The kiosk mode is a special mode for computer programs in which the rights of the user are restricted. B. not terminating the program, possibly not performing certain actions, etc. The kiosk mode is intended, for example, for use at public information terminals , for example in pedestrian zones or museums . These devices are in German kiosk in English kiosk called.



  • With the Linux and Unix desktop KDE the program Kiosktool was made available, the development of which has since been discontinued.
  • The webconverger is a specially adapted Debian distribution that can be started as a live CD and only provides the user with a web browser .


  • Microsoft's own program Windows SteadyState : It enables various registry changes and software write protection for the hard disk.
  • Since Windows 8.1 there is a kiosk mode built into the operating system. This is called Assigned Access . However, only a modern Windows 8 app can be run exclusively; this function cannot be used for conventional desktop applications. Instead, the tools that are also available for Windows 7 can be used here to run conventional desktop applications exclusively or in a protected environment.


  • From Android 5.0 "Lollipop" it is possible to pin a certain app in such a way that it can only be closed with a password or an unlock pattern.

Apple iOS

  • The Guided Access kiosk mode , which can be found in the system settings, has been integrated into Apple iOS .

Platform independent programs

  • A kiosk module is included in Mozilla Firefox from version 71 . From this version on, the kiosk mode works without any additional extensions .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kiosk tool for KDE
  2. Webconverger ( Memento of the original from August 9, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Daniel Meixner: Windows 8.1: Assigned Access. Microsoft Corporation , October 2, 2013, accessed December 17, 2019 .