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Klimmek is a Germanized form of the Polish family name Klimek .

Name spread

At the beginning of 2005 there were 449 phone book entries with the family name Klimmek in Germany, which resulted in around 1,197 namesake.

Name bearer

  • Barbara Klimmek (* 1942), German teacher, special educator and author
  • Friedrich Gerhard Klimmek (* 1949), German lawyer, poet lawyer and crime novelist
  • Fritz Klimmek (1905–1963), German teacher, teacher and natural scientist
  • Max Klimmek (1903–1981), German deputy mayor and city councilor in Königsberg as well as Gauamtsleiter in East Prussia
  • Reinhard Klimmek (* 1942), German physician, non-fiction author and publicist
  • Walter Klimmek (1919–2010), German soccer player

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Absolute distribution of the name "Klimmek"