KlinikRente pension scheme

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The clinic of pensions GmbH (often short clinic pension ) is a pension fund for hospitals and care facilities based in Cologne .

The KlinikRente was created in 2002 as a pension scheme for the members of the Federal Association of German Private Clinics (BDPK) . In 2003, the contract partner Pensionsverein Deutscher Kranken- und Pflegeeinrichtungen eV (PDK) opened the doors to facilities of all sponsorships .

The subject of the business area is the planning, establishment and ongoing support of company old age and private disability insurance in health care facilities. As an industry solution, it offers care solutions for employees of health, rehabilitation and care facilities as well as outpatient facilities of all sponsorships. More than 3000 companies in the health sector use this pension facility, many as a supplement to the facilities of the supplementary pension fund , the church supplementary pension or the federal and state pension institutions .

The pension fund consists of a consortium of several insurers: Allianz Lebensversicherungs AG is in charge of company pension schemes , while Condor Versicherung , Deutsche Ärzteversicherung , Swiss Life and R + V Versicherung are also involved . In addition to the leader, Swiss Life, Allianz and R + V are involved in the private occupational disability.

Individual evidence

  1. KlinikRente