Kloock production function

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The production function according Kloock , as a production function of type D is known, in the economic production theory a production function on the Heinen production function builds (type C).

The input / output analysis known from economics is transferred to the internal area. First of all, the operational positions are categorized into the types of procurement, production and sales positions. A procurement point is a point (or department) of the company that only transfers original production factors to other points, but does not use or generate any itself. A sales point is analogous, a point that only sells end products, but does not generate any factors. A production site consumes factors from upstream sites (other production sites or procurement sites) and generates intermediate or end products that are passed on to downstream sites (subsequent production sites or sales points).

These relationships can be represented qualitatively with matrices and graphs . Systems of equations based on the matrices are used for quantitative representation . This means that the Kloock production function can be used to calculate transfer prices or lower price limits for end products.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Christian Brecher (Ed.): Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries , Springer, Berlin, 2011, p. 48.
  2. ^ Hans Corsten, Ralf Gössinger: Production economy . Oldenburg, Munich, 12th edition, 2009. pp. 118-124.