Cotrino Monastery

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The Cotrino Monastery (Latin Prioratus simplex BMV de Cutrino ; Italian Monastero di S. Maria di Cotrino ) has been a place of pilgrimage (with monastery ) since 1627 and a Cistercian monastery in Latiano , Brindisi Province , Apulia , Diocese of Oria in Italy since 1922 .


The pilgrimage site of Santa Maria di Cotrino (1 km west of Latiano, along Viale Mondonuovo) goes back to the miraculous discovery of a miraculous image of the Madonna with baby Jesus at the beginning of the 16th century. From 1607 a church and a monastery were built. The Cistercians of Casamari Monastery settled the place in the form of a priory in 1922 and built new monastery buildings around the 17th century cloister (1936), a seminary (1950) and an imposing pilgrimage church (1992, the annual pilgrimage takes place from 4th to 6th May took place). The monastery has a picture gallery (including a painting by Stephan Harding by Salvatore Murra, 1909–1972), a historically rich library, publishes books and publishes the bi-monthly magazine Eco del Santuario S. Maria di Cotrino . It also lives from the sale of its own natural products. Noteworthy is a lay convent attached to the monastery, the so-called Oblati , also known as familiars in German-speaking countries .


  • Damiano Angelo Leucci: S. Maria di Cotrino, Latiano (1607-1922) (= Biblioteca di cultura pugliese. 37). Congedo, Galatina 1987, ISBN 88-7786-321-8 .
  • Monastero Maria SS.MA di Cotrino: Statuti degli Oblati Cistercensi secolari. Grafiche Dambrosio, Altamura 2014.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne. Esprit des lieux, patrimoine, hotel business. Édition française, (nouvelle édition augmentée). Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, ISBN 978-2-7468-2624-3 , p. 729.

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Coordinates: 40 ° 32 ′ 36.4 "  N , 17 ° 41 ′ 49.6"  E