Waldsee Monastery

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Bad Waldsee Collegiate Church

The Waldsee Monastery or St. Peter Waldsee Monastery was a monastery of the Augustinian canons in the town of Waldsee .


The Augustinian Canons' Monastery of St. Peter according to the Rule of St. Augustine was founded by Emperor Friedrich with a document dated May 12, 1181. The provosts were at the same time city pastors and from 1618 infuled abbots. The bailiwick of the monastery was transferred in 1282 from King Rudolf to Mr. Eberhard and his brothers, Mr. The first provost was the baron and knight Berthold von Waldsee. In 1258 the pen was bought by Pope Alexander IV.taken into papal protection, which was also done by later popes. In the course of time the monastery acquired numerous properties. The most important was the Reute dish . Under the provost Heinrich III., A count of Veringen, the church was incorporated into the monastery in 1351.

The collegiate church was built from scratch under the provost Heinrich Fuchs, who was elected in 1450. It has two rows of columns with pointed vaults and 6 carved altars. The two domed towers were built around 1760. In a side chapel is the crypt of the princes Waldburg-Waldsee, in which the famous Bauernjörg is also buried.


By decree of Emperor Joseph II , the monastery was dissolved in 1788 at the request of the canons (not in the context of secularization ) and the buildings were sold, the provost building was demolished and converted into a manorial fruit box and apartments. The estates were sold in favor of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Religious Fund. When the town of Waldsee came to the Kingdom of Württemberg in 1806 , these properties were incamerated .


  • Johann Daniel Georg von Memminger : Community Waldsee. In: Johann Daniel Georg von Memminger (Ed.): Description of the Oberamt Waldsee . With a map of the Oberamt, a view of Waldsee and four tables. Cotta ua, Stuttgart ua 1834 ( description of the Kingdom of Württemberg 10), ( full text at Wikisource )

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Individual evidence

  1. Württembergisches Urkundenbuch, Volume 2, 1858, p. 214
  2. ^ Johann Daniel Georg von Memminger, Waldsee community. in: Description of the Oberamt Waldsee , Chapter A 7
  3. Augustinian Canons of Waldsee in the database of monasteries in Baden-Württemberg of the Baden-Württemberg State Archives
  4. ^ Johann Daniel Georg von Memminger, Waldsee community. in: Description of the Oberamt Waldsee , location description, p. 81

Coordinates: 47 ° 55 ′ 16.6 "  N , 9 ° 45 ′ 9.1"  E