Block (glazier)

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Blocking scheme

Glass blocks are flat parts made of wood or plastic , with which glass panes are blocked or wedged in their window sashes in two diagonally opposite corners in order to ensure and maintain the dimensional accuracy or angular accuracy of the component. The weight forces are derived from the upper outer corner of the frame over the diagonal of the rigid surface of the window filling into the lower inner corner of the sash or onto the fitting located there .

Traditionally, blocks made from waste wood (preferably hardwood) or panel material residues are used, whereas in modern industrial production, prefabricated plastic parts are used.

Glazing rebate inserts

Glass rebate inserts are used in insulating glass frames . They serve to compensate for the profile and ensure a level surface. They support rebate ventilation and load transfer. They form the subsurface for the block material, they are not a substitute for the glazing block. With a clampable design, they ensure that the blocks are securely fixed.

supporting documents

  • Packing. In: Guide to the use of triple thermal insulation glass. (= BF-Merkblatt 003/2008 Bundesverband Flachglas) p. 5. (online at: ) (PDF; 132 kB).
  • Roto Frank AG (formerly Gluske) (Ed.): Klotzfibel. , Retrieved March 2015.