Clytios (son of Alkmaion)

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Klytios ( ancient Greek Κλύτιος ) was the mythical ancestor of the Clytiads in Olympia , a family of seers and priests. He was the son of Alkmaion with the daughter of Phegeus and consequently the grandson of Amphiarus . His mother's name is unclear. While Pausanias handed down the name Alphesiboia , she is called in the more detailed version of the myth about Alkmaion Arsinoë .

Pausanias narrates that Clytios left his Arcadian mother city Psophis because he could not live in a city with his mother's brothers, who had murdered his father. He moved to Elis. To what extent Clytios, who came from an ancient family of seers of Zeus, was connected with the oracle of Olympia is unclear. The reference was given for Cicero and Philostratus , since the Clytiads, which were derived from Clytios and also handed down in inscriptions, were regarded by both as performing oracle service.


Individual evidence

  1. Pausanias 8:24 , 4 .
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 7, 5 .
  3. ^ Pausanias 6:17 , 6 .
  4. Cicero, De divinatione 1, 41.
  5. Flavius ​​Philostratos, Vita Apollonii 5, 25 .