Arsinoë (wife of Alkmaion)

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Arsinoë ( ancient Greek Ἀρσινόη Arsinóē ) was the daughter of King Phegeus of Psophis in Arcadia in Greek mythology .

After the Argive hero Alkmaion had killed his mother Eriphyle among other things in revenge for the death of his father Amphiaraos , he was defeated with madness by the Erinyes and finally came to the court of Phegeus, who atoned him and married his daughter Arsinoe. Alkmaion gave his wife the necklace and the wedding robe of Harmonia . But since the madness did not leave him, he left Arsinoë, allowed himself to be purged from matricide by the river god Acheloos and took his daughter Kallirrhoë as his wife. Since she wanted Harmonias to own a collar and robe, Alkmaion took back his former gifts for Arsinoe under a false pretext, but was therefore killed by Arsinoë's brothers Pronoos and Agenor . But Arsinoe was still connected to Alkmaion and therefore disapproved of his murder. Her brothers then locked her in a box and handed her over as a slave to King Agapenor of Tegea, under the false accusation that she was the murderess of Alkmaion. This is the representation in the library of Apollodorus , who reports nothing about the further fate of Arsinoë.

Pausanias, on the other hand, does not refer to Phegeus' daughter as Arsinoë, but as Alphesiboia .



  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 7, 5.
  2. Pausanias 8:24 , 4.