Dumpling eater

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Classic dumpling eater

The dumpling eater is originally a carved figure that serves as a time display on Black Forest clocks or for entertainment while playing the barrel organ and was often used in Ignaz Bruder 's barrel organs .

To display the time, the dumpling eater eats a number of dumplings corresponding to the number of hours every full hour. As a rule, a play mechanism leads the hand including a fork and a dumpling to the mouth of the dumpling eater. During this process, the figure often rolls its eyes ( turning clock ) and / or opens its mouth to eat the dumpling .

Today, the term "dumpling eater" means not only the figure, but a specific type of figure clock that, along with the cuckoo clock and the lacquer shield clock , became a popular souvenir from the second half of the 19th century. The popularity and spread of the dumpling eater clocks meant that the term “ dumpling eater ” is also used rather disparagingly to denote a German, Bavarian or a German-speaking provincial (similar to the term “spaghetti eater ” rather disparaging for Italians stands).


Anton Häckler (1814–1889) from Vöhrenbach is often named as the inventor of the dumpling eater (..) It is now assumed that the carver Fidel Heer (1781–1862) from Vöhrenbach designed the first dumpling eater, manufactured it and made other copies Anton Häckler and other customers sold. It is also known that the Heer company later delivered watch cases to Anton Häckler. "

- Jüttemann, Herbert (2006)

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Herbert Jüttemann: Ignaz Blasius brother. Black Forest barrel organ building since 1806 . Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe 2006, ISBN 3-937345-14-0 . P. 49 ff.