Commune (Algeria)

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As a commune ( Arabic بلدية, DMG Baladiyya , French Commune algérienne ) in Algeria, below the administrative level of Wilaya (province) and Daïra (district), the lowest level of the Collectivités territoriales ( local authorities ), comparable to the municipalities or political communities in the German-speaking countries.

A territory and a main town ( chef lieu ) are determined by law for the municipality . It is administered by an elected local people's assembly ( Assemblée populaire communale ) and an executive. It is endowed with financial autonomy.

The number of municipalities nationwide is around 1500, some of which in the sparsely populated Saharan provinces of the south exceed the size of a German federal state. The municipality of Reggane in southwest Algeria, for example, has a territory of 124,298 km 2 .

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