Comoran bottlenose dolphin

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Comoran bottlenose dolphin

Comoran bottlenose dolphins are bottlenose pigeons and were one of the first breeds from south-eastern Europe to establish themselves in central Europe. Komorn bottlenose dolphins were described as early as the 19th century when the Danube only divided the city of Komorn into two parts of the city . The later separation into the Slovak Komárno and the Hungarian Komárom also resulted in the development of different types of this precious tumbler.

Breeding history

Comoran bottlenose dolphins first attracted attention in Germany in the 1930s, as they were not comparable to any of the previously known breeds. The special association of breeders of the Komorn bottlenose dolphin was founded in 1934 and developed the bottlenose dolphin to its present day appearance. In the standard, the Comorner is described as a "low, lively pigeon with a short, squat figure and a feathery, very broad shell cap made of upright feathers". Her head is "well rounded, with a broad and high forehead". Foster parents are needed for breeding despite the "almost medium-long" beak . De Koster suspects that this is a reason why the number of breeders of the "Komaro buko" is dwindling in Hungary, while the popularity of similar breeds such as the Kiskunfelegyhazer and Szekesfehervar bottlenose dolphins is increasing.


The Hungarian and Slovak types differ in terms of the installation of the beak and the position of the hood. In Germany, a third type with massive heads and high, feathery round bonnets is bred and in North America a Comoran bottlenose dolphin "American taste" with a medium-long beak was bred.

Literature and evidence

  1. a b c Remco de Koster: Comoran bottlenose dolphins in motion . Of breed types, heads and views. In: GeflügelZeitung . No. 8/2018 , p. 4-6 .
  2. Joachim Schütte, Günter Stach, Josef Wolters: Handbook of the pigeon races . Josef Wolters, Bottrop 1994, ISBN 3-9801504-4-5 , Komorner Tümmler, p. 669 f .
  3. Erich Müller (Ed.): Tumbler pigeons, high-flying pigeons, play-flying pigeons (=  everything about pedigree pigeons . Volume 6 ). Oertel and Spörer, Reutlingen 2002, ISBN 3-88627-606-6 , Komorner Tümmler, p. 83-85 .
  4. Hans-Joachim Schille: Beautiful pigeon breeds . from Aachener Bandkröpfer to Zurich Weißschwanz (=  species in color . Band 2 ). Karin Wolters, Sebnitz 2001, ISBN 3-9806312-2-2 , Komorner Tümmler, p. 173 .