Conference of European Regional Legislative Parliaments

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The Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies ( Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies , abbreviated CALRE ) an organization that 74 regional parliaments from eight European countries are united. The CALRE are sponsored by the Autonomous Communities of Spain , the Italian Regions , the Belgian Communities and Regions , the German Laender , the Austrian Federal Laender , the Portuguese Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira , the Finnish Autonomous Province of Åland , as well as the parts of the United Kingdom of Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland .

The CALRE has a plenary assembly, which consists of all the presidents of the regional parliaments, and a standing committee, on which a parliamentary speaker from each of the eight states is represented. The president for 2018 is Ana Luísa Pereira Luís .

The first conference took place in Oviedo in 1997 , since then the plenary assembly has been meeting once a year at different locations to discuss positions and concerns and to adopt declarations. Also at the annual meetings, the President of CALRE is elected, whose term of office is one year and who represents the organization externally and in particular in relations with the European Union .

The CALRE is one of several organizations of regional and local authorities in Europe, which were set up with the purpose of contacting bodies of the European Union directly and being able to give them advice. It thus complements the Committee of the Regions , which, due to its role as an institutionalized advisory body and its representative nature, represents a rather indirect means of communication between the EU and sub-national entities.

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  2. ^ Lluís Maria de Puig: International Parliaments . Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg 2008, ISBN 978-92-871-6450-6 , pp. 27 .
  4. ^ What is CALRE - History . Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies. Archived from the original on September 12, 2011. Retrieved on May 4, 2011.
  5. ^ Organizational Rules . Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies. Retrieved May 4, 2011.
  6. ^ Silvia Ricci: The Committee of the Regions and the Challenge of European Governance . In: Carlo Panara & Alexander De Becker (Eds.): The Role of the Regions in EU Governance . Springer, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-11903-3 , pp. 118 .