Competitive pressure

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The negative influence on the respective competitors caused by competition is called competitive pressure.

In ecology , the competitive pressure increases with the increasing number of competitors in both forms of competition, with the competition for essential resources called exploitation and competition with direct antagonistic interactions called interference in order to hinder or damage the competitor. Increasing competitive pressure causes a decrease in the reproduction rate and an increase in mortality . Competitive pressure may have different effects on the individuals involved in the competition. In the case of dominant competition, the dominant individuals can procure the necessary resources themselves in sufficient quantities at the expense of the inferior competitors. If competition is incomplete, growth and the rate of reproduction decrease equally in all individuals participating in the competition.


  • Thomas M. Smith, Robert L. Smith: Ecology. Pearson Studium, Munich etc., 6th edition 2009. ISBN 978-3-8273-7313-7 .

See also

Selection pressure , efficiency pressure