Konstantin Konstantinowitsch Jurenew

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Konstantin Yurenew

Konstantin Konstantinowitsch Jurenew ( Russian Константин Константинович Юренёв ; * 1888 ; † August 1, 1938 ) was a Soviet politician and diplomat.

Yurenev became a member of the Bolsheviks in 1905 , and one of the organizers of the Red Army after the 1917 revolution .

He later went to the Soviet diplomatic service. He served from May 16, 1921 to February 1, 1922 Soviet Ambassador to the People's Republic of Bukhara . After serving in Latvia , Czechoslovakia , Persia and Italy , among others , he served as Soviet ambassador to Austria from October 1, 1927 to January 24, 1933 , then to Japan and from June 16 to October 11, 1937 as ambassador to Germany .

In 1938 he fell victim to the Stalinist terror.

See also

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predecessor Office successor
Nikolai Iordansky Soviet ambassador in Rome
March 7, 1924 - April 4, 1925
Plato Kerzhenetsev