Konstantin Meyl

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Konstantin Meyl (born August 29, 1952 in Lemgo ) is a German electronics and energy technician . He has been professor for power electronics at Furtwangen University since 1986 . Meyl is best known in the skeptic movement for his pseudoscientific hypotheses and assertions, which, according to modern opinion, do not correspond to the standards of physics.


Meyl received his doctorate from the University of Stuttgart in 1984 and was appointed professor at the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences in 1986, which has since been renamed Furtwangen University . There he is a lecturer for power electronics as well as drive and control technology .

In addition, Meyl promotes his conviction that classical electrodynamics based on Maxwell's equations is incomplete and must be replaced by a theory that he himself justified. Central terms in it are “ potential vortex ”, “scalar wave” or “neutrino power” (also in relation to the expansion theory of the earth). He claims to have developed a unified field theory from which all known interactions can be derived. However, it contradicts the established physical theories of electrodynamics and also contradicts Einstein's special theory of relativity .

The Furtwangen University has distanced itself from Meyl's ideas, pointed out that they “are not scientifically and methodologically recognized, but are extremely controversial in the professional world” and made it clear that they are not the subject of his activities at the faculty. Furthermore, Meyl is not allowed to give lectures at the university on his theories. Meyl's critics are the math professor Gerhard Bruhn , who is a GWUP member, and Klaus Keck. According to Bruhn, he pointed out mathematical errors and contradictions that Meyl made in deriving his theory. Outside of the skeptic movement , Thomas Eibert dealt with some of Meyl's work for the Research Association Funk.

The Institute for Gravitational Research of the Göde Science Foundation examined the experimental kit sold by Meyl and came to the conclusion that all observations could be explained in the context of classical electrodynamics by transmission with transverse electromagnetic waves.

Konstantin Meyl changed the expansion theory of the earth , which is no longer supported in the scientific and academic environment, to the effect that it was not ether but the absorption of neutrinos from space that allowed the earth to expand.

His article on intercellular communication using scalar waves was removed from two scientific journals and a conference proceedings after the editors discovered that Meyl had published the article four times with almost identical content.

In his science fiction novel "Transmission Technology of the Gods" he describes the neutrino communication he assumed between ancient temples during the Roman Empire. In his book, the temples were specifically used as telegraph transmitters to ensure communication between all parts of the world empire.


  • Three-dimensional non-linear calculation of eddy current clutches. Stuttgart. 1984.
  • Potential vortex. Volume 1, INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 1990, ISBN 3-9802542-1-6 .
  • Potential vortex. Volume 2, INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 1992, ISBN 3-9802542-2-4 .
  • Electromagnetic environmental compatibility. Part 1, INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 1996, ISBN 3-9802542-8-3 .
  • Electromagnetic environmental compatibility. Part 2, INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 1998, ISBN 3-9802542-9-1 .
  • Electromagnetic environmental compatibility. Part 3, INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 2002., ISBN 3-9802542-7-5 .
  • Scalar wave technology. 3rd, verb. Edition INDEL, Villingen-Schwenningen 2000, ISBN 3-9802542-6-7 .
  • Neutrino Power. The experimental proof of space energy revolutionizes our worldview. Johannes von Buttlar in conversation with Konstantin Meyl. Argo-Verlag, Marktoberdorf 2000, ISBN 3-9806584-8-1 .
  • Scalar waves. From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves. INDEL-GmbH, 2003, ISBN 3-9802542-4-0 .
  • Transmission technology of the gods. 3rd, verb. Edition. INDEL, 2004, ISBN 3-9802542-5-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gerhard W. Bruhn: Scalar waves part 1 by Prof. Dr. Ing.Konstantin Meyl. In: tu-darmstadt.de. Retrieved February 27, 2013 .
  2. ^ A b Gerhard W. Bruhn: Meyliana. In: tu-darmstadt.de. Retrieved February 27, 2013 .
  3. ↑ The curriculum vitae of Konstantin Meyl (PDF; 26 kB)
  4. Lecture: International SAFE Congress on Free Energy, 2. – 4. Oct. 2009: Unified theory of all fields and particles. - From Boscovich via Maxwell and Lorentz with the evidence of Faraday and Tesla to the goal of physics.
  5. A theory that the university doesn't want to hear about. In: Badische Zeitung. 4th July 2008.
  6. University dissociates itself from trade fair appearance. In: suedkurier.de. September 29, 2008, accessed December 11, 2009 .
  7. Thomas F. Eibert: A critical consideration of the theories of Konstantin Meyl . In: frequency . tape 57 , no. 9-10 , September 2003, ISSN  2191-6349 , pp. 174-178 , doi : 10.1515 / FREQ.2003.57.9-10.174 .
  8. Experiments for the detection of scalar waves - experiments with a Tesla replica by Prof. Konstantin Meyl (PDF; 490 kB)
  9. And yet it moves! Documentation, France, Italy 2006, 45 min., Director: Franz Fitzke, production: ZDF , first broadcast: January 31, 2007 on arte ( (YouTube) ) and film review , PDF file.
  10. ^ "Way out there" paper claiming to merge physics and biology retracted. In: Retraction Watch. February 22, 2013, accessed January 4, 2017 .
  11. Author of "way out there" paper merging physics and biology has second paper retracted. In: Retraction Watch. August 20, 2013, accessed January 4, 2017 .