EU cooperation center for science organizations

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The EU Cooperation Center of Science Organizations (KoWi) is a German service platform that offers information, advice and training in the field of research funding by the European Union , especially on the EU research framework programs.


KoWi operates offices in Bonn and Brussels and is financed as part of the scientific self-administration by the German Research Foundation as an auxiliary research facility . It is legally supported by the "Association for the Promotion of European and International Scientific Cooperation eV", in which German scientific organizations have come together. Members of the association are the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation , the Working Group of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke", the German Academic Exchange Service , the German Research Foundation , the Fraunhofer Society , the Helmholtz Association , the University Rectors 'Conference , the Max Planck Society , the Donors' Association for German Science , the Gottfried Scientific Association Wilhelm Leibniz ; the Science Council is a permanent guest at the General Assembly.

The KoWi sees its task in providing support in the acquisition of third-party funds from the EU funding pot. For this purpose, KoWi offers services that are aimed at scientists and EU speakers as well as management and administration of universities and research institutions.


KoWi's services include events, newsletters, and target group-specific advice and training. While the application process plays a major role in individual and small group consultations, multipliers (e.g. EU speakers) are familiarized with topics such as project processing and financial management in the training courses.

At individual events and series of events such as the annual KoWi federal conference on EU research funding, representatives from science, business and administration come together to exchange ideas on developments in EU research funding.

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