Copula set

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The copula sentence is a type of the nominal sentence .

The predicate of a sentence represents the statement of this sentence and is formed in a regular sentence by a verb (predicative verb). In other types of sentences, the verb is not the only predicate of the sentence, but only introduces it. These verbs are called non-predicative verbs. The German verb sein is such a non-predicative verb. The sentence statement formed with sein is either identifying ("Es ist Rolf") or classifying ("He is a donkey"). The predicate comes about through a noun ( predicate noun : "Rolf", "Esel"). In addition, an adjective can also be used as a predicative adjective to form a predicate ("He is slim").

In the copula sentence, the predicate is made up of a copula and a noun or adjective used as a predicative . The copula turns a non-verb into a verb. It hardly has any other meaning than to indicate the inflection of the predicate, so it is itself meaningless.

In German, the meaningless being but also hot , will , seem and remain to form the copula clause. Sembler and paraître are also used in French . There are also verbs that are semantically not “empty”, but introduce predicate nouns congruent with the subject of the sentence.

Some languages ​​such as modern Greek and Russian partly dispense with a copula, which semantically must have an “empty meaning”.



  • Otto is the strongest.
  • Elvira remains the most beautiful.


  • Nicole est heureuse.
  • Judith semble heureuse.
  • Edith paraît heureuse.


  • Is é an dalta an fear. "The man is the student." - the predicate is on dalta , meaning "the student"
  • Is é an fear an dalta. "The student is the man." Or "The man is the student." - the predicate is fear , so "the man"
  • Is mise an múinteoir. "I am the teacher."
  • Is tusa an múinteoir. "You are the teacher."
  • Is eisean an múinteoir. "He is the teacher."
  • Is é an múinteoir é. "He is the teacher."
  • Is é an múinteoir an fear. "The man is the teacher."
  • Is é an fear an múinteoir. "The man is the teacher."
  • Is é Pól an múinteoir. "Paul is the teacher."
