Koro Toro

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Koro Toro
Koro Toro (Chad)
Koro Toro
Koro Toro
Coordinates 16 ° 5 '  N , 18 ° 29'  E Coordinates: 16 ° 5 '  N , 18 ° 29'  E
Basic data
Country Chad

Koro Toro , also known as Koro-Toro , is a town in Chad on the way from N'Djamena to Faya-Largeau , about 200 km from Faya-Largeau.

On the occasion of his trip to Tibesti in the spring of 1964, Staewen reported on a small French fort and a handful of mud huts. The old French fort has apparently been used as a prison since 2003/04.

More recently, the place or region has become internationally known through the discovery of the fossils of the holotype of Australopithecus bahrelghazali at the Koro Toro 12 site .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christoph Staewen: Eine Fahrt ins Tibesti, Verlag G. Richter, 1st edition 2005, ISBN 3-00-015063-3 (travel report from spring 1964)
  2. The list of nominees for deportations au bagne de Koro Toro. August 11, 2010
  3. M. Brunet , A. Beauvilain, Y. Coppens , E. Heintz, AHE Moutaye, D. Pilbeam : Australopithecus bahrelghazali, une nouvelle espèce d'hominid ancien de la région de Koro Toro (Tchad). In: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie de Sciences - Series IIa: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes , Volume 322, No. 10, 1996, pp. 907–913, full text (PDF)