Korporacja Akademicka Arkonia

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The Korporacja Akademicka Arkonia (Academic Association Arkonia) is the second oldest Polish student association . It was founded on May 9, 1879 in Riga at the Technical University there. After reconstitution, it still exists today. The ribbon colors of the Arkonia are dark blue-white-dark green. The motto of the association is “Veritate ac laboratories”.


Arkonia, founded on the model of German corporations in 1879, brought together Polish students in Riga. In addition to educational goals and living together with the development of lifelong friendships, the patriotic element was important to the founders. By the time it was ten years old, the association already had 469 members, including 100 students. In 1900 Arkonia acquired a one-story wooden building at 19 Grosse Newastrasse .

After the First World War , the Arkonia headquarters was relocated to Warsaw . Even now the preservation of the regained Polish state played an important role in the connection. In 1921, Arkonia was one of the founding members of the Federation of Polish Student Associations (Polish: Związek Polskich Korporacji Akademickich). The old gentlemen's association financed the construction of a connecting house at Ulica Wilcza 60 , which was inaugurated in 1924. The Polish Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły was the guest of honor at a Kommers on May 18, 1937 in the building of the Warsaw Resursa Obywatelska .

In World War II, around 60 Arkonia nationals lost their lives (at the front, in concentration camps , in the Warsaw Ghetto , the Warsaw Uprising or in Katyn ). The war and the subsequent period of Soviet oppression severely restricted the association's activities. Nevertheless, at some informal meetings in Poland and in exile in London (the connection was officially reactivated in London in 1947) traditions could be maintained. In 1976 the two Arkonia standards from Riga and Warsaw were transferred to the National Memorial (Skarbiec Pamięci Narodowej) in Jasna Góra .

After the turnaround of 1989 , the Arkonia appeared again at the Warsaw universities, in 1990 it was registered as an association (Polish: Stowarzyszenie Arkonia) at the Warsaw Voivodeship Court. In 1995 the old men association (Polish Związek Filistrów Arkonii) was registered again. In 2001 we moved into the current connection house on Ulica Koźla in Warsaw's New Town . In 2002 Arkonia supported the reconstitution of the Welecja cartel association .


Around 1300 students have been active at Arkonia since 1879, including some important ones

  • Politicians and officers: Władysław Anders (1892–1970), Seweryn Czetwertyński (1873–1945), Tomasz Andrycz (1878–1943), Karol Hauke-Bosak (1888–1940), Stanisław Janicki (1872–1939), Zygmunt Leszczyński (1866 –1942), Kazimierz Okulicz (1890–1981), Jerzy Aleksander Zawisza (1895–1995), Ludomił Pułaski (1871–1953)
  • University professors: Jan Babiński (1873–1921), Stanisław Chaniewski (1859–1920), Marian Kamil Dziewanowski (1913–2005), Karol Jankowski (1968–1928), Maksymilian Malicki (1900–1978), Józef Mikułowski-Pomorski (1868– 1935), Jan Nielubowicz (1915–2000), Jan Podoski (1904–1998), Czesław Skotnicki (1871–1944), Stanisław Turczynowicz (1875–1957), Stanisław Uniechowski (1903–1979), Benedykt Wodziński (1859–1926) , Jan Zawidzki (1866–1928)
  • Theologians: Maria Filip Feldman (1985–1971), Eduard O'Rourke (1876–1943)
  • Entrepreneur: Jan Robert Gebethner (1860–1910), Mieczysław Hertz (1870–1939)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. The Polonia connection is older
  2. according to Barbara Rogowska (Red.), Młode pokolenie Polski edition 2179 of Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis , publisher: University of Breslau, 2000, p. 171 (in Polish)
  3. During the war, in addition to the headquarters in Riga, there were branches in Moscow and Warsaw, the latter - Arkonia Varsoviensis - subsequently becoming the headquarters
  4. according to Zbigniew S. Siemaszko, Narodowe Siły Zbrojne , ISBN 9780903705431 , publisher: Odnowa, 1982
  5. according to VIAF, see under norm data
  6. according to Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej , edition 78–83, Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (ed.), Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2007

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