Kosnita point

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Kosnita theorem with Kosnita point K

The Kosnita point , named after the Romanian mathematician Cezar Coșniță (1910–1962), is one of the special points of a triangle . It is isogonally conjugated to the center of the Feuerbach circle .

The period derives its name from Kosnita's sentence , which says the following:

"Let O be the circumcenter of a triangle ABC and M AB , M BC and M AC the circumcenter of the triangles OBC, AOC and ABO, then the straight lines CM AB , AM BC and BM AC intersect at a common point."

The common intersection of the straight lines from Kosnita's theorem is called the Kosnita point , it has the Kimberling number X (54).


The barycentric coordinates of the Kosnita point are


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