Crab basket metaphor

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The crab basket is often used as a metaphor for “if I can't have it, you can't have it”. The crabs are falsely said to be able to easily escape from a crab basket . However, if a crab tried to get out of the basket, it would be pulled back by other crabs.

Career advancement opportunities for women

In Germany, the term is sometimes used in reports on women's career opportunities. According to a survey by the German Consulting Group , women felt that their female colleagues in particular were hindered on their career path.

In pop culture

  • The Canadian rapper k-os released the single Crabbuckit . The song reflects his negative views on the music industry.
  • In the thriller Im Swamp des Verbrechens (1995), one of the main characters mentions the “crab basket metaphor” in reference to his attempt to work his way out of the ghetto.
  • In Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel, The Invisible Scholars Club, the crab basket metaphor is referred to several times.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. CK O'Neill: Women in Leadership: Myths and Facts. Volume 9. Baldegger Verlag, 2004.
  2. M. Henn: The Art of Ascent: What Characterizes Women in Management Positions. Campus Verlag, 2008.
  3. Barbara Dribbusch: Woman against Woman. In: . September 27, 2006, accessed March 20, 2014 .