Medical history prescription

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Basic data
Title: Ordinance on the keeping, content and
storage of medical histories
in hospitals
Short title: Medical history prescription
Previous title: Ordinance on the keeping and storage of medical records
Abbreviation: KgVO
Type: regulation
Scope: Berlin
Issued on the basis of: Section 15 (2), Section 51 LKG a. F.
Legal matter: Special administrative law , health law
References : BRV 2128-5-3 a. F.
Original version from: July 1, 1952
( GVBl. P. 557)
Entry into force on:
Last revision from: October 24, 1984
(GVBl. P. 1627)
Entry into force of the
new version on:
January 1, 1985
Expiry: September 16, 2006
( § 47 No. 3 Regulation of August 30, 2006 ,
GVBl. Pp. 907, 915)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The medical history ordinance (KgVO) was Berlin state law until 2006 .

The last version of the KgVO was enacted on October 24, 1984 and specified Section 27 (5) of the State Hospital Act (LKG). On September 16, 2006, it was superseded by the Hospital Ordinance (KhsVO) together with other hospital regulations.

The medical history was defined as "all medically essential records made while in-patient treatment of a patient in hospital ". In addition to the essential content and formal requirements for the documents, the standard for Berlin hospitals set particularly long retention periods for the treatment files (usually thirty years).

The federally uniform medical professional regulations only prescribe ten years. A 30-year retention period is otherwise only required for patient files from radiation therapy ( RöV § 28 para. 4, StrlSchV § 43 para. 3).

Individual evidence

  1. Hospital Ordinance in the GVBl. for Berlin, Volume 62, No. 32 from September 15, 2006 (PDF; 506 kB). ( Memento of the original from January 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /