Nursing internship

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The nursing internship , officially nursing service , also called nursing internship for short, is part of the medical course and an admission requirement for the registration for the physikum .

According to the license to practice medicine ( §6 Abs. 1 ÄAppO ) the internship serves to "introduce the prospective student to the operation and organization of a hospital and to familiarize them with the usual tasks of nursing ".

Here the student practices patient contact for the first time, learns about the interaction of the various professions in the hospital and nursing.

For the facilities in which the internship can be spent, precise provisions apply, which can be found on the website of the responsible LPA ( state examination office ); Roughly speaking, it must be a ward in a hospital or clinic.

The internship, which is usually unpaid, takes a total of 90 days (previously: 60 days) according to the new licensing regulations (since summer 2003). It must be completed during the semester break or before the start of your studies - but in any case after passing the Abitur (previously completed internships are not counted). However, some state examination offices also recognize nursing internships that were completed before the Abitur if this was acquired in a second educational path (e.g. at a college ). Each LPA decides this individually. You can split the 90 days, but you have to work at least 30 days in a row on the same ward. The calculation of the period is based on the calendar days with free weekends, not the days actually worked.

At the end, the internship must be confirmed with a form (“Certificate of Nursing Service”), this form must be submitted when registering for the Physikum.

Depending on the state examination office, activities such as a nurse or nurse are counted towards the internship, as well as the clinical internship in the course of training as a paramedic .


In Switzerland, medical students need before the end of preclinical complete a similar product placement, usually called "Häfeli Internship". The conditions are very similar to those in Germany. However, this only takes 4 weeks. Men who do their recruiting school as paramedics do not have to complete an additional internship.

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