Tie bar

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Tie clip on a school uniform
A tie bar and a knife for size comparison

A tie clasp , also known as tie clip, tie clip or tie clips, a classic is jewelry - accessory of clothes of the Lord. It also has the practical function of holding the tie on the body. Usually it is attached to the button placket of the shirt together with the tie .

Tie clips are classically smooth or with engraved or embossed patterns. The metals used are, as with all types of jewelry, gold , silver , alloys or simple costume jewelry materials. Also gems up to the diamonds found in decorating use.

The tie bar is also available as a chain version, sometimes even with a small pendant.


The tie clips, like the tie pins , emerged from the kerchief pins that were very popular in the 19th century.

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Commons : Tie bar  - collection of images, videos and audio files