District Office Idstein

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The Idstein District Office (also Idstein District ) was a district in the Duchy of Nassau with its seat in Idstein from 1849 to 1854 .

After the March Revolution in 1848, the administration was reorganized. By law of April 4, 1849, administration and jurisdiction were separated at a lower level in Nassau. The reform came into effect on July 1, 1849. 10 district offices were established for administration, the offices continued as judicial offices (i.e. courts of first instance).

The Idstein District Office was formed from the previous Idstein and Usingen offices and was responsible for administrative tasks. The jurisdiction in the lowest instance remained in the offices, which were now called justice offices. At the head of the district office stood a district administrator (that was the name of the district administrator ) with a district secretary as a representative. In Idstein, the previous Usinger bailiff Daniel Spieß was appointed district administrator. In addition to the appointed district administrator, an elected district council was set up for the first time.

The question of the district office was discussed controversially in the meeting of the estates . The Deputy from Usingen, Heinrich Wilhelm Preiss , strongly advocated the old Nassau royal seat of Usingen as the seat. Usingen had already lost the seat of the court and appeal court to Wiesbaden and should not lose another authority. The Idsteiners, whose spokesman Gustav Justi was, were able to prevail in the vote with 27 to 6 votes. Before that, Camberg had been put forward as a third suggestion. In 1851 Usingen received the Idstein Teachers' College as compensation.

However, the reform was reversed on October 1, 1854, the districts abolished and the previous offices restored.


  • Thomas Klein: Volume 11: Hessen-Nassau, the series: Walther Hubatsch: Outline of German Administrative History 1815–1945, 1979, ISBN 3-87969-126-6 , pp. 128–129, 142–144
  • Norbert Zabel: Spatial authority organization in the Duchy of Nassau, Diss., 1980, ISBN 3-922244-39-4 , pp. 133-137
  • Heinrich Lewin: The royal parity teachers' college in Usingen, 1901

Individual evidence

  1. Law of April 4, 1849 (VBl p. 87); Law, the execution of the law on the separation of the administration of justice from the administration in the lower instance on May 31, 1849, (VBl p. 409)
  2. Law of July 24, 1854 (Bvl. P. 160)