District care institution Freiburg

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Building of the former district nursing home in Freiburg, in the middle the former farm building.

The Freiburg district care facility was located in Freiburg im Breisgau . The buildings between Eschholzstrasse and Engelbergerstrasse are still there today.


In 1875 five three-story buildings were erected. Four of them had dormitories for up to 25 people each.

time of the nationalsocialism

In 1940 the inmates were murdered as part of Operation T4 .

The first transport on August 8, 1940 with 75 people was rather calm. The foster people were picked up in four or five large post buses with windows painted white. The destination was not known. After that the reports of death increased.

Sister Superior Ildefonsa, as a witness before the Freiburg Regional Court, described the second transport on October 10, 1940, with which 50 to 60 people were brought to Grafeneck in an omnibus: “All I need to say about the horror of this scene is that the individual patients clung to me in their desperation, so that they literally had to be torn from my body, which also tore my clothes. An elderly patient clung to the rafters in the attic screaming in fear of death and had to be picked up and taken into the car by five people. ”Before that, the patients had panicked and paced, looked out the window and wrote farewell letters to their relatives .

Then the institution was closed. Between 20 and 25 residents have been released, the others have been transferred to other institutions - and here possibly also threatened with death.

Arthur Schreck and Ludwig Sprauer , who were convicted in the context of the Freiburg trials, were able to leave the prison in 1951 on the basis of a pardon, were given back their civil rights on August 1, 1954, as well as a monthly maintenance contribution of 450 marks.

From 1941 to 1945 the houses served as an air force hospital .

post war period

In the post-war years, the houses were part of the university clinic and from 1950 to 1991 a French military hospital. Since then, the houses have served as a student residence and two have been used by the university's psychological institute .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gerlind Leininger: Freiburg district care facility from 1877 to 1940. In: Schau-ins-Land: Annual issue of the Breisgau history association Schauinsland 1989.
  2. Edith Lass: They cry, scream, hide. Badische Zeitung, September 1, 2009, accessed on February 2, 2019 .
  3. Anja Bochtler: The fate of murdered patients in the district care facility is to be researched. Badische Zeitung, May 18, 2015, accessed on February 2, 2019 .
  4. ^ Stühlinger student houses - Freiburg-Black Forest student union. Retrieved February 2, 2019 .
  5. Site plans - Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. Retrieved February 2, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Kreispflegeanstalt (Freiburg im Breisgau)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 59 ′ 47 "  N , 7 ° 49 ′ 59.4"  E