District Synod

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The district synod is the highest decision-making body in the Evangelical Church at the level of the district church . Composition, leadership and tasks vary depending on the regional church .

Evangelical Church in the Rhineland

In the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland , the district synod is composed of the active in the church district pastorate holders , the Synodalabgeordneten the parishes (one per parish), up to 15 from Kreissynodalvorstand (99 KO Art.) Appointed members and the chairman of the circular church technical committees. In the case of very large district synods, however, there is the possibility of limiting the number of synodals by each parish only sending a certain number of parish holders and synodal delegates (Art. 99a KO). The district synod is newly formed every four years.

It has to meet at least once a year (Art. 101 KO), even if as a rule most of the district synods meet every six months. The conference is to begin with a sacrament service. The church leadership is to be invited to the conference; their representatives are entitled to submit applications; in addition, they must be given the floor at any time on request (Art. 102). The district synod usually meets in public, provided that no confidential matters are discussed (Art. 104 KO).

The district synod is the actual governing body of the church district (Art. 97 KO). It elects the district synodal committee from among its members, which leads the church district on its behalf (Art. 114 KO). The Superintendent , who presides over the District Synod and the District Synod Board (Art. 120 KO) , also belongs to the District Synodal Board.

The other tasks of the district synod include a .: Establishment of parish church pastors and positions for other employees, handling of the submissions from the district synodal board and church leadership, resolution on applications from church parishes and specialist committees, election of members of the specialist committees, resolution of the district church collections, supervision of the accounting of parishes and associations, determination of the district church budget and discharge of the annual accounts, resolution on the district church levies, election of the members of the regional synod (Art. 98 KO).


  1. Church regulations of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland from January 10, 2003.


  • Helmut Geck (Ed.): Church districts - District Synods - Superintendents , Münster 2004
  • Helmut Geck (Hrsg.): Church district history and great politics. Epochal years of German history as reflected in the Rhenish and Westphalian district synodal protocols (1918/19 - 1932/33 - 1945/46) , Berlin, Münster 2006
  • Helmut Geck (ed.): The church district in the presbyterial-synodal order , Berlin, Münster 2008