Kristoffer Nyrop

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Kristoffer Nyrop (born January 11, 1858 in Copenhagen , † April 13, 1931 in Copenhagen) was a Danish Romanist .

life and work

Nyrop studied in Copenhagen and Paris (with Paul Meyer and Gaston Paris ) and toured Switzerland, France and Italy. In 1878, at the age of 20, he published his first scientific article. In 1886 he received his doctorate under Vilhelm Thomsen on Adjectives Kønsbøjning i de romanske Sprog and was from 1894 to 1928 as the successor to Johannes Thor Sundby (1830-1894) professor of French language and literature at the University of Copenhagen .

He went blind in 1905, but continued to work scientifically with a staff of helpers.

Nyrop was a foreign member of the Belgian Academy of Sciences from 1922 .

In addition to his scientific work, he published committed statements on contemporary issues, e. B. in Politiken on February 21, 1915 ff., On the controversy between Joseph Bédier and Karl Larsen regarding Bédiers Les crimes allemands d'après des témoignages allemands. Paris 1915.


Nyrop's most important work is the six-volume historical grammar of the French language:

  • Grammaire historique de la langue française . 6 vols., Copenhagen, Leipzig, Paris 1899–1930 (reprinted Geneva 1979)
  1. Histoire générale de la langue française. Phonétique historique (1899)
  2. Morphology (1903)
  3. Formation of the mot (1908)
  4. Semantique (1913)
  5. Syntaxes. Noms et pronoms (1925)
  6. Syntaxes. Particules et verbes (1930)

Other works:

  • On the Romanian history of sounds, in: Nordisk Tidskrift for Filologi, 1878, pp. 72–78
  • (Ed. Together with Emile Picot [1844–1918]) Nouveau recueil de farces françaises des XVe et XVIe siècles, Paris 1880, Geneva 1968
  • Sprogets vilde skud. Populære strøbemærkninger om misforståede ord i daglig tale, Copenhagen 1882
  • Den oldfranske Heltedigtning, Copenhagen 1883 (Italian: Storia dell'epopea francese nel medio evo, Florence 1886, Turin 1888)
  • Romanske mosaic. Kulturbilleder fra Rumænien og Provence, Copenhagen 1885
  • Adjectivernes Konsbøjning i de romanske Sprog, med en indledning om lydlov og analogi, Copenhagen 1886
  • Kortfatt spansk grammar, Copenhagen 1889, 1894
  • Nej. Et motivs historie, Copenhagen 1891
  • En teaterforestilling i middelalderen, Copenhagen 1892
  • (Eds.) Bernhard Severin Ingemann, Holger Danske. Et Digt i fem Sangkredse med oplysninger, Copenhagen 1893
  • Kortfatt fransk lydlære til brug for laerere og studerende, Copenhagen 1893 (French: Manuel phonétique du français parlé, Copenhagen 1902, 5th edition 1934; English: Spoken French: a phonetic manual, New York 1927)
  • Lærebog i det italienske Sprog, udarbejdet til Selvstudium og Undervisning, Copenhagen 1896
  • Kysset og dets historie, Copenhagen 1897 (English: The kiss and its history, London 1901)
  • Kortfatt Italiensk Grammar, Copenhagen 1897
  • Prose e poesie italiane scelte e annotate, Copenhagen 1898
  • Ordenes Liv, 6 vols., Copenhagen 1901–1934 (German: The life of words, Leipzig 1903, 1923)
  • Italy og Krigen, Copenhagen 1905
  • Gaston Paris , Copenhagen 1906
  • Den evige jøde, Copenhagen 1907
  • Fortids Sagn og Sange, Copenhagen 1907–1909, 1933
  • Fransk Verselære i Omrids, Copenhagen 1910
  • Philology française, 2nd edition, Copenhagen / Paris 1915
  • Frankrig, Copenhagen 1915, 1916, 1919 (French: France, Paris 1916; Swedish: Frankrike, Lund 1916; English: France, London 1917; Dutch: Frankrijk. Vertaald uit het deensch met een Voorbericht van JJ Salverda de Grave, Leiden; Icelandic : Frakkland, Reykjavík 1917)
  • Er Krig culture? Guerre et civilization, Paris 1917 * Is war civilization ?, London, New York 1917; swedish: annoyed culture? Stockholm 1917
  • L 'arrestation des professeurs belges et l'université de Gand, Lausanne / Paris 1917,
  • The imprisonment of the Ghent professors, a question of might and right; my reply to the German legation in Stockholm, London New York 1917
  • The arrested professors and the University of Ghent; a question of power and law, with an answer to the German legation in Stockholm, Lausanne 1917
  • Kongruens i fransk, Copenhagen 1917
  • Etudes de grammaire française, 7 vols., Copenhagen 1919–1929
  • Talt og skrevet, Copenhagen 1931
  • Linguistique et histoire des mœurs. Mélanges posthumes, traduction par Emmanuel Philipot [1872–1950], Paris 1934

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