Critical lexicon for contemporary German literature

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The Critical Lexicon of Contemporary German Literature (KLG) is one of the most important literary lexicons in German. It is a as a loose-leaf -scale reference book with information about women writers and writers of contemporary German literature .


Heinz Ludwig Arnold founded the Critical Lexicon for Contemporary German Literature (KLG) in 1978 and published it until his death in November 2011. In 2012 Hermann Korte took over the editor. The loose-leaf work is published by edition text + kritik , now comprises around 15,000 pages in 13 folders and is continuously updated and supplemented. The KLG is available online for a fee.

Structure and focus

It is sorted according to the alphabetical order of the authors. The articles are divided into a biogram, essay and bibliography. The biograms give an overview of the authors' lives and literary awards. In detailed essays, the individual works of the respective writers are analyzed and evaluated in terms of their work context and poetological foundations. The extensive bibliographical information mainly includes current primary and secondary literature. The selection of currently around 750 authors takes into account outstanding contemporary writers in particular and examines their literary developments.

Edition and review

  • Hermann Korte (ed.): Critical lexicon for contemporary German literature (KLG) . Founded by Heinz Ludwig Arnold. edition text + kritik, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-86916-219-5 . (Basic work including the 102nd subsequent delivery).
  • Maria Ebert: Never before have there been more lexicons on literature. In: buchreport.magazin. January 2009, pp. 54-57.

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