Kriya Tantra

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The Kriya Tantra ( Sanskrit : Kriyatantra; Tibetan: bya rgyud kyi theg pa; cha gyu; bya rgyud) is the first of the three outer classes of Tibetan Tantra ( Anuttarayoga Tantra ) and the fourth 'yana' relating to the nine 'yanas' or nine successive vehicles (Wyl. theg pa rim pa dgu) of the Tibetan Nyingma tradition. It is described in the Gyu De Kun Tu (Collection of All Tantras).

The kriya tantras, or 'action' tantras, are so called because a high percentage of them are concerned with external behavior, the practices of ritual cleansing and purity and the like. The Nyungne fasting ritual is a yidam practice of the Kriya Tantra tradition, as is the very popular 4- mandala ritual. In Kriya Tantra, rituals and external forms of practice are used to accumulate merit in order to create the causes and favorable conditions for spiritual development. They are the basis and foundation for the advanced exercises.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of accumulation: the accumulation of merit on the relative plane and the accumulation of perfect wisdom (insight) on the absolute plane. The accumulation of merit serves to create the necessary causes in order to find favorable conditions for further spiritual development. One performs three kinds of ritual cleansing, wears three kinds of clothing, adopts the diet of the three "white foods" and practices fasting rituals and mantra recitation. Kriya Tantra places greater emphasis on the practice of good external behavior, physical and verbal behavior for purification and on simple visualization practice and the performance of rituals on specific days and with certain star constellations.

Traces of Kriya Tantra can also be found in the exercises of inner tantra, for example in the explanations on the design of altars, the number, placement and consecration of offerings and the like. From the point of view of inner tantra, however, these things do not form much more than an ornament, which is mostly produced out of respect for the lineage and for reasons of reconnection.

Entry point

The first entry point to the path of the secret mantra of Vajrayana is an initiation (lung) or empowerment like the water empowerment, which builds up the potential to mature into the dharmakaya , and the crown empowerment, which builds the potential to mature into the ' rupakaya 'erected. Then one receives the general 'samayas' of Kriya Yoga as explained in the specific texts.


If one looks at the outlook and the basis of the path, one sees according to the teaching that the background of purification is the nature of the mind itself, the wisdom of empty clarity, and this is ultimately beyond all extremes such as existence and non-existence, appearance and emptiness ( Sunyata ). Then one sees the various aspects of the relative appearances that need to be purified as marks of the perfectly pure deity ( yidam ).


As for the path and way of meditation practice , it revolves around the four realities: the personal reality and the reality of the deity are represented by the means of the "six aspects of the deity" (emptiness, syllable, tone, form, mudra , attributes) practiced by visualizing oneself as the samaya form (Skt. samayasattva) and then invoking the being of wisdom (Skt.jñanasattva) in the space in front of you, possibly with the help of a specific mandala , considering yourself as a servant and the deity as the master. One then concentrates on the mantra recitation, which is the sound, and on the mind and ground, and meditates on the reality of concentration , which is "staying in the flame" in concentration exercises such as dwelling in fire and sounds and in the continuation of the tone and in the climax of the tone.

The practitioner of Kriya Tantra visualizes (in the mandala ) the whole universe as a heavenly palace and all beings as deities in this palace.

According to Kriya Tantra, the practice includes two types of beings, the wisdom being ('ye-shes sems-dpa') and the symbolic being ('dam-tshig sems-dpa'). The symbolic being is the visualization of the deity in heaven before us. It is created in our spirit (generation stage) and then the wisdom being is the blessing and the power invoked into it from a higher source. Finally, both become one imaginatively and the union is called modes of action ('las kyi sems-dpa') (stage of completion). In Kriya Tantra this wisdom being is like a king and the symbolic being is like a servant. The king gives siddhi and the blessing to the servant, making the servant more powerful and wiser, and this power can then overflow to the practitioner.

Ritual Buddha-figure practice

Kriya and Charya, the first two tantra classes, have three Buddha family traits:

At the most general level, symbolize:

To symbolize in relation to the spirit:

These Buddha figures are mostly peaceful, smiling, well dressed and sit in heaven, often radiating light like the sun itself. In Kriya Tantra, the bodhisattvas not only become essential mediators, but also preferred objects of worship. This results primarily to the three major male Bodhisattvas, Manjusri, Avalokitesvara and Vajrapani, and the main female Bodhisattva Tara, a large number of practice texts, the externally-structurally differ only slightly from religious exercises that focus on Hindu deities such. B. refer to Ganesha .

A popular protector from Kriya Yoga Tantra is Sitatapatra (white umbrella), the 'overreachers of the precious jewel'. The Prajnaparamita is assigned to the Kriya Tantra just as the Medicine Buddha (Bhaishajyaguru) is derived from the Bhaishajyaguru Sutra , which, according to the Vajrayana, the historical Buddha Shakyamuni is said to have taught.

Kriya Tantra is dualistic, here is the deity, there is the practitioner, there is communication between the two, but ultimately everything depends on the grace of the deity. At this level, the relationship between the practitioner who is still deluded and the deity is essentially unequal. In the completion stage, the merger takes place.


By dwelling in pure consciousness one becomes a Vidyadhara , and finally one attains awakening as Vajradhara - (Vajradhara (Tib. Dorje Chang; Wyl. Rdo rje 'chang)) - the' Vajra Holder ', the original Buddha, one of the three Buddha families: from the family of the enlightened body Vairochana , from the family of the enlightened speech Amitabha , or from the family of the enlightened mind Akshobhya .


  1. Nine Yanas
  2. Gyu De Kun Tu
  3. Nyungne Ritual  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. 4 Mandala ritual (PDF; 1.3 MB)
  5. Fasting ritual
  6. Authorization
  7. Dharmakaya
  8. Water and Crown Empowerments
  9. Rupakaya
  10. Samayas
  11. Six Aspects
  12. Flamme ( Memento of the original from April 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 4.0 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. Chenrezig inauguration ( memento of the original from December 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 211 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. ^ [Consecration of images and stu-pas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, Yael Bentor p. 191, Brill Academic Pub, Weisheitwesen]
  15. Buddha Family Traits and Buddha-Nature Factors
  16. Chenrezig - Ritual ( Memento of the original from December 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 211 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. Paramita Sadhana ( Memento of the original from December 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 194 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Archived copy ( memento of the original from April 21, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Brief Medicine Buddha Practice @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Viyadhara


  • Secrets of Yantra, Mantra and Tantra by LR Chawdhri
  • Tulku Thondup, The Practice of Dzogchen (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1989), pp. 15-22

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