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A crust ( Latin crusta "bark", Old High German crusta ) is an outer layer that has become hard and often strongly structured over something softer.

Thus, the term is crusta with the Romans in the name of the top layer of the road surface ( summa crusta her first, "top crust") roads included.

In the medicine gradual are changes of the skin by diseases (in particular at a lesion ) also called crusting, next shed -, scab - and Borken formation.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: crust  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b Boris Paraschkewow: Words and names of the same origin and structure. Lexicon of etymological duplicates in German: Lexicon of etymological duplicates in German, p. 183 online .
  2. .