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Cryophiles (from ancient Greek κρύος krýos "frost" and φίλος phílos "loving") are frost-loving creatures who, as extremophiles, are adapted to particularly cold environments below −10 ° C. Thus, they represent an increase in those who love the cold ( psychrophiles ). They are mainly to be found in glacier regions such as Greenland , Antarctica and high mountains . In addition to microorganisms such as Colwellia , which is adapted to temperatures below −20 ° C and still shows metabolic reactions down to −200 ° C, certain mosquitoes also count to this (at least to the psychrophiles).

The terms cryophile and psychrophile are often used synonymously, i.e. as those who love the cold at temperatures below +20 ° C without further subdivision.

Vertebrates can also be found (at least psychrophilic): polar bears , penguins , arctic foxes , snow owls , etc.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Gemoll : Greek-German school and hand dictionary. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2010. ISBN 978-3-637-00234-0 . (EA Vienna 1908)

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