Ktuts monastery

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Coordinates: 38 ° 36 '31.7 "  N , 43 ° 5' 2.2"  E

Relief Map: Turkey
Ktuts monastery
Ktuts Monastery with Mount Sipan in the background (1986)
The monastery of HFB Lynchs Armenia, travels and studies (1901)

The Ktuts Monastery ( Armenian Կտուց Անապատ , Ktuz Anapat , " Hermitage of the Horn") is an abandoned Armenian Apostolic Monastery from the 15th century in the province of Van in southeastern Turkey .

The monastery of Ktuts is located on the small island of Çarpanak , which lies in the middle of Lake Van . The monastery has been occupied since the 15th century, the remains of the building - an Anabaptist church ( Surb Hovhannes ) with a gawit in front and a chapel added to the north - date from the 18th century.

During the massacre of the Armenians in 1894–1896 , the monastery served as a place of refuge for many persecuted Armenian Christians. In 1917 the Turkish gendarmes gained access to the monastery and deported all the Armenians.


See also

Web links

Commons : Ktuts Monastery  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ktuts' Anapat . In: Rensselaer Digital Collections . Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute . Retrieved May 4, 2009.