Cuckoo owl

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As morepork several owl species are from the genus of Buschkäuze designated. They used to be considered a species.

These owls got their name because of their voice, which is reminiscent of the call of the European cuckoo . In the 1990s, the cuckoo owl was mostly identified with the New Zealand cuckoo owl ( Ninox novaeseelandeae ) and around 15 subspecies were assumed.

The Tasmanian cuckoo owl ( Ninox leucopsis ) and the red cuckoo owl ( Ninox lurida ) were raised to the status of independent species. However, the most widespread distribution of the species once grouped as the cuckoo owl is the Boobook Owl ( Ninox boobook ) in Australia. The Lord Howe cuckoo owl ( Ninox novaeseelandiae albaria ) and the Norfolk Island cuckoo owl ( Ninox novaeseelandeae undulata ) are subspecies of the New Zealand cuckoo owl.

Individual evidence

  1. Christopher M. Perrins: The Great Encyclopedia of Birds . Original title The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Birds 1990, German edition Mosaik Verlag GmbH, Munich. Special edition 1995 Orbis Verlag, Munich 1995, p. 185