Kuhn Ø

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Kuhn Ø
Kuhn Ø incomplete on the northern edge of the map section from 1932
Kuhn Ø incomplete on the northern edge of the map section from 1932
Waters Hochstetter Bay , Greenland Sea
Geographical location 74 ° 53 ′  N , 20 ° 15 ′  W Coordinates: 74 ° 53 ′  N , 20 ° 15 ′  W
Kuhn Ø (Greenland)
Kuhn Ø
length 38.5 km
width 27.5 km
surface 634 km²
Highest elevation Black wall
1130  m
Residents uninhabited
Kuhn Island on the Koldewey Expedition map
Kuhn Island on the Koldewey Expedition map

Kuhn Ø (German: "Kuhn Island") is an uninhabited island off the east coast of Greenland in the Greenland Sea . Administratively it belonged to the province of Tunu / Østgrønland ("East Greenland") until the end of 2008 , and since 2009 it has belonged to the municipality-free area of the Northeast Greenland National Park .


The island is located in the Hochstetter Bay northwest of the Wollaston Forland peninsula and is separated from it by the Lindeman Fjord, which narrows down to 2.5 km. To the west of the Fligely Fjord, which is just over a kilometer wide at its narrowest point, lies Thomas Thomsen Land. In the north-south direction, between Cape Mosle and Cape Hamburg, the island is 38.5 km long, between Cape Givagt in the west and Cape Maurer in the east it is 27.5 km wide. The area of ​​the island is 634 km². It is mountainous and reaches a height of 1130 m in the Black Wall. From the northeast, the Bastian Bay cuts deep into the island.


Kuhn Island was discovered in 1869 by the Second German North Pole Expedition and named after the Austrian Minister of War Franz Kuhn von Kuhnenfeld . Head of the expedition with the screw steamer Germania and the schooner Hansa was Carl Koldewey .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Per Ivar Haug: Gazetteer of Greenland ( Memento June 15, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) , Til Oppslysning . Volume 15. Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim, Trondheim 2005. ISBN 82-7113-114-1 (English).
  2. Black wall . In: Anthony K. Higgins: Exploration history and place names of northern East Greenland (PDF; 12.3 MB). (= Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 21, 2010). Copenhagen 2010, ISBN 978-87-7871-292-9 , p. 297 (English), accessed on May 14, 2019.
  3. Kuhn Ø . In: Anthony K. Higgins: Exploration history and place names of northern East Greenland. (= Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 21, 2010). Copenhagen 2010, ISBN 978-87-7871-292-9 (English), accessed December 28, 2013