KulturWerk Rahlstedt

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The KulturWerk Rahlstedt e. V. is a non-profit association in Hamburg-Rahlstedt . The goals of the association are to promote, enrich and intensify cultural life in Rahlstedt.

History and goals

The KulturWerk Rahlstedt was founded as an association in 2009 as a result of its commitment to a cultural center in Rahlstedt and has been offering events and activities on a regular basis since then.

The association works with cultural workers as well as initiatives and associations in order to create a lively district culture from different experiences and ways of experiencing.

The KulturWerk is a cooperation partner for the district school Alt-Rahlstedt as a culture school and the Dankeskirche in Rahlstedt-Ost as a culture church.


Room of the KulturWerk Rahlstedt e. V.
Boizenburger Weg 7, 22143 Hamburg
-> room in the panorama viewer (turn with mouse)

KulturWerk Rahlstedt, with the support of the Wandsbek district office, has rented two shops in the pedestrian zone in the center of Rahlstedt as a small cultural center in which film screenings, exhibitions, readings and concerts take place.

In addition to the company's own program, the rooms are also made available as meeting rooms and as meeting places for other associations, for artists and those interested in culture.

The two Kulturwerk rooms each have approx. 80 square meters and offer seating for approx. 60 visitors, tables, projector / large screen, WLAN, and a small kitchen.


Some of the most famous events of the KulturWerk Rahlstedt e. V .:

  • Factory talks: Rahlstedt citizens report on their areas of interest and present their ideas and work.
  • Hamburg authors read in Rahlstedt, in cooperation with the Heymann bookstore.
  • Rahlstedt Audience Award: Everyone can take part and submit their own work on a given topic. All submissions are issued. A jury made up of competent citizens and the visitors of the exhibition jointly choose the winners at the end.
  • FILM ab !: Film screenings in cooperation with other associations in the district


The activities of the association are also of interest in the media and politics (links see below) and have won numerous awards:

  • 2009 Funding from the Körber Foundation within the framework of “Inciting! 50 impulses for Hamburg "
  • 2013 Third prize: nationwide music day competition "Cultural diversity live"
  • 2015 Wandsbeker Culture Prize
  • 2017 among the 10 nominees for the Hamburg District Culture Prize
  • 2018 Prize Winner "Say Thank You!" - A campaign by Hamburger Abendblatt and PSD Bank Nord eG
  • December 6, 2018: Senate reception

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Event list KulturWerk Rahlstedt
  2. Hamburger Abendblatt: Works Talks
  3. Factory talk Jan 2019
  4. a b District Culture Prize 2017
  5. Hamburger Abendblatt: € 10,000 funding from the Körber Foundation
  6. Winner of the Day of Music 2013 (download)
  7. Hamburger Abendblatt: Wandsbeker Kulturpreis 2015 , accessed on March 18, 2019
  8. Award ceremony "Say thank you!" 2018
  9. Senate Reception 2018 , accessed on February 7, 2019