Kumm (unit)

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Since 1569 it was expected in the salt works with Kumm replace Öseammer . The weight measure Kumm was about 2932 liters . It arose from the gate. Gate was the inflow of brine to the salt basin in a unit of time.

  • 1 gate = 6 Kumm = 10 Sal = 3 stairs

In each salt house / Sülzhaus, four gates (to be explained with casts) of fresh brine were routed into the simmering pans at regular intervals within specified periods. It was called Flode , also floods, flood, which in the salt works in Germany denotes a fixed period of time in the year. The year was divided into 13 equal periods from January 10th to December 13th. The last day of the year in the Christian churches was the feast day of St. Lucia . There were 26 days in each section.


  • Karl Brandi, Harry Bresslau, Michael Tangl: Archive for document research. Volume 9, Veit & Comp., De Gruyter, Leipzig / Berlin 1926, p. 376.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Kellenbenz: Economic growth, energy and traffic from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Verlag G. Fischer, Stuttgart / New York 1978, ISBN 978-34375-022-31 , p. 48.
  2. Harald Witthöft: Outlines of a historical metrology for the benefit of economic and social historical research: Measure and weight in the city and state of Lüneburg, in the Hanseatic region and in the Electorate / Kingdom of Hanover from the 13th to the 19th century. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979, pp. ISBN 978-35253-537-14 .