Resin paint

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Resin colors and varnishes modern are paints (wall colors or lacquers ) used as binder a from petroleum synthesized resin - a so-called resin used -.


Potential benefits are:

  • Inexpensive: Compared to natural oils, mineral oil is still very inexpensive, homogeneous and abundant
  • easy and safe processing
  • high opacity
  • Fast drying : paints in particular used to take days or weeks to dry out
  • high elasticity
  • adhere to a large number of, and especially smooth, substrates
  • high abrasion resistance
  • high water resistance or, if desired, good permeability to water vapor

Synthetic resin paints

The group of synthetic resin paints includes:

No synthetic resin paints

On the other hand, the following paints use a "natural" binding agent, ie not synthesized from mineral oil:

See also